Night Photography

Shooting at night is a little more technical than daytime. I was glad that renowned night photographers Colin Chatfield and Tara McGee came to do a workshop at Avonlea Heritage Museum. Colin’s presentation was very informative and I’m glad I attended. During his presentation, it rained and was thundering, so we were unable to go to the Avonlea Badlands. Thanks Jan, for allowing us to … Continue reading Night Photography

Avonlea Badlands - Hoodoo, Mars and Milky Way

Avonlea Badlands by Starlight

The Avonlea Heritage Museum hosted another photography workshop featuring the incredibly talented Colin Chatfield last week. He gave a very informative talk about night photography and I’m sure we all learned a lot. Afterward, I led the group out to the Avonlea Badlands (private land, but we had permission) to practice what we had learned. Headlamps and flashlights enabled us to see the way and … Continue reading Avonlea Badlands by Starlight